Emma – A play in Oxford

This, for sure, was one of the most exciting experience I had this year, speaking about my photography work! It was such a joy to take photos to the cast of “Emma” (yes, the Jane Austen’s one), a play by Thistledown Theatre. The team who worked on it is great, as all the actors. Don’t miss the show, if you are in Oxford this August! More information about it on the Company’s website: http://www.thistledowntheatre.com.

©2016 Flavia Catena




The derelict house and the white horse

The sky is turning grey, no one on the beach, silent boats fill the horizon. I wear a summer dress, my wavy hair smells of sand, and my bag is full of shells and pumice stones. There is a house, an abandoned one, where only sky and wind have access; the roof fell down, and a tree is growing where the bedroom was. I would like to walk close to it, and to take better photos, but the barbed wire does not allow me. A white horse seems to watch the house with his dark and nostalgic eyes. When I step towards him, he looks at the camera and asks for a caress. I would ask him to bring me to the hill, and wait together for the rain to sing among the trees.

A sicilian landscape.

©2016 Flavia Catena


Dancing in a rainy day

A few weeks ago I photographed Athena, an Italian ballerina and researcher I have met thanks to friends in common, in Oxford. Discussing about the photo shoot, we were thinking to divide the session in a way to have pictures taken both in town and in a park. Unfortunately, the weather was not collaborative, so we had to change plan and to shoot in some covered areas found around. Here is the result of our effords! Despite the rain, it was really a pleasure to work with such a lovely girl!

©2016 Flavia Catena


Sunday in the cottage

“And suddenly I am washed over by a wave of happiness for it, for my little story, because it is a place, a home even, and I can go back to it from wherever I am”. David Grossman, Her body knows

Photos from a winter photo shoot with Virginia Tozzi.

©2016 Flavia Catena
